Monthly Archives: July 2014

Love me forever


It was love at first sight
Our thoughts were different
Our expressions changed
Our bonding became stronger
We made it happen

Over the years hardships followed
But hand in hand we stood strong
The desire to love grew deeper
The unspoken words exchanged looks

The touch still gets ecstasy
The long wait is worth it’s time
Time has flown by with our passing age
With you it still feels like the 80’s

Let our love be a story to tell
An example of true love and compatibility
My wish is to have by last breath in your arms
Life is beautiful with the feelings of being loved by you

Health is the real wealth


Sitting in the hospital lobby waiting to see my relative,makes me sincerely thank GOD for the healthy me and my family.We often get worries and tensions and get worked up with things we don’t get or some things that don’t go in our stride.We don’t realise that we take our health for granted as it’s going to be shining always.Having all body parts function, is the greatest gift of GOD we humans get. It is indeed very sad to see different people with different health problems,and it is amazing to see some of them who know they have less time here,still laugh and talk with such strength,it makes me just love life more and more.

So the next time you feel bad about your life or have some tensions,think about all your body parts functioning,hear your heart beating,see your fingers and toes making moments, see the colours around you,feel the aroma of life that is granted to you.Thank the almighty for the lovely health and move on as somewhere on this earth there is someone dreaming to have a life you live.